
aolekeji 2年前 98466浏览 0评论


Any customer who works with me, as long as he buys goods later, his first choice must be me, even if my price is not the cheapest. Why?

1. 寄提单,我从来都是分开两份寄送


Sending bills of lading, I have always sent them separately. Of course, I pay for it by myself. The reason is very simple for I am afraid of losing. The bill of lading only needs one original to pick up the goods. The three originals are sent twice. In case one of them is lost, the customer can also pick up the goods with the original bill of lading, and not all of them will be lost at once! Although I have not encountered a lost shipment so far, customers appreciate our care and professionalism.

2. 不论客户是否要求,我都会为客户申请免费箱使和堆存,


Regardless of whether the customer asks or not, I always apply for free boxing and stockpiling for customers. After the application, I will tell the customer how many days of free boxing and stockpiling I have applied for them in case of they are not able to process the port charges. Even if the goods have arrived at ports and the cost is not related to us, we are considerate for the customers. So customers are very happy and feel a sense of consideration from us!

3. 我会主动提出为客户办理无单放货业务


Many overseas customers will also ask for a letter of credit. For example, customers from Korean and Thai have short shipping schedules. Maybe goods have arrived at ports, but our documents may not be ready yet. After the completion of the delivery of the documents, they will be sent to the issuing bank. After the issuing bank audits, contact the issuer, costing a lot of time or even delaying the time of use, I will take the initiative to propose delivery service for customers. Many customers don't even know that they have this business. They are very happy to know that they can get the goods in advance so they appreciate our enthusiasm and professionalism.

4. 当客户提出使用LC at sight交易的时候,我们会提出建议客户使用假远期信用证,假远期对于受益人是即期,对于开证人是信贷,减免资金压力。


When the customer proposes to use the LC at sight to make transactions, we will advise clients to use the fake long-term letter of credit. The fake long-term is for the beneficiary at the spot, the credit card is credit, reducing the financial pressure. Many customers who didn't know that they had this business would be very curious to go to the bank to ask. When they learned that there is indeed this business, they are very happy. Their impression of us is getting better and better and they will be convinced by our skilled business and operation. 

5. 主动为客户查缺补漏


I took the initiative to check for customers. I used to have an  81-year-old Hong Kong customer, a 78-year-old Korean customer, a 76-year-old Thai customer who are still doing purchases, but always miss something and don't admit that they have forgotten but think  it’s the people selling goods that have forgotten and delayed their affairs. But after working with me, things like these never happen because I will stare at every detail. For example, when they forget to require me to divide receipts, I will remind them of it; sometimes they do CFR, but forget to do insurance, I will call them to inform them not to forget to buy insurance, they did not take me as a seller, but a considerate person. So cooperation comes naturally!

6. 合同签订后,我会时常向客户介绍产品进度,拍仓库照片,告诉客户我们的订舱进度,等等,保持及时沟通


After the contract is signed, I will often introduce the progress of products to customers, take photos of the warehouse, and tell customers about our booking progress, etc. And we keep in contact every moment. If it is really not available to book the plane for some reasons, we will notify the customer in time and tell the news that we have booked the next one, so that customers have a real grasp of the progress of the goods. This is also the embodiment of professionalism!

7. 货物发运装集装箱时,我都会要求操作拍照片,空箱,半箱,满箱,加固,封箱,铅封,然后发送给客户


In the process of the goods packaged and shipped, I will ask workers to take photos of every steps: Empty boxes, half of boxes, full boxes, reinforcements, sealing, seals, and then sent to customers. The reasons why I do these are to let the customer know that the goods have been shipped tangibly for customers have the right to know all of these, which shows we are professional and responsible.

8. 即便是未开船,我们也会把已经有的提单号提供给客户,船公司的网站也提供给客户,让客户确切的把握自己货物的最新情况。


Even if it is not on board, we will provide the existed bill of lading number and the shipping company's website to customers, so that they can accurately grasp the latest situation of their goods. I will always pay attention to it, I will inform customers as long as goods are on board. And ask the operation to invoice the completed box in the first time for the customer to check if there is any content that needs to be changed.

9. 信用证客户,即便不规定交单期(默认21天),我也会要求我们操作尽快只做单据,交单议付


For customers who use letters of credit, even if it does not stipulate the delivery period (usually 21 days), I will require our operator as soon as possible to make receipts. On the one hand, we can collect the money as soon as possible. On the other hand, we can let the customers get the documents quickly and handle the relevant business.


There are more details than I have mentioned. In short, details determine success and failure. Your operation, on behalf of whether you are professional, on behalf of whether you will bring convenience to customers or cause trouble, on behalf of whether you give customers a sense of security or not.


If you are already cooperated, it means that you have established basic trust. If you succeed in the first cooperation, leaving a very professional impression on customers, are you still afraid that the customer will not cooperate with you again?






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